Scrappy Time

by Scrappy Ferret


Scrappy Time is a simple time management library for Solar2D that simplifies time based movement and FPS calculation.


A full API listing can be found here.


Move a player object using time based velocity.

-- Load plugin library
require "plugin.scrappyTime"

-- Initiate the time library

-- Create a 'player' object
local player = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, 10, 10 )

-- Set up a table for the player's velocity
player.velocity = { x = 0, y = 0 }

-- enterFrame handler
function onEnterFrame()

    -- Move the player along the x/y axis using their velocity adjusted by the current delta time
    player.x = player.x + ( player.velocity.x * Scrappy.Time:delta() )
    player.y = player.y + ( player.velocity.y * Scrappy.Time:delta() )

    -- Output the current fps
    print( string.format( "FPS: %d", Scrappy.Time:fps() ) )


-- onKey handler
function onKey( event )

    -- Set the player's velocity depending on the key, making sure to set it to 0 on key release
    -- Please note: This is a terrible way to do this but it's good enough for our purposes
    if event.keyName == "up" then
        player.velocity.y = event.phase == "down" and -1 or 0
    elseif event.keyName == "down" then
        player.velocity.y = event.phase == "down" and 1 or 0
    elseif event.keyName == "left" then
        player.velocity.x = event.phase == "down" and -1 or 0
    elseif event.keyName == "right" then
        player.velocity.x = event.phase == "down" and 1 or 0


-- Register some events
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", onEnterFrame )
Runtime:addEventListener( "key", onKey )

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Once you've activated this plugin, appropriate build.settings code will be generated for you to copy into your Solar2D project. Download links will also be available for inclusion into a Solar2D Native project.

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